Adding Responsive Images to Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress
Advanced Custom Fields is one of the go to plugins when developing for WordPress. It has been around for a long time, has earned it’s reputation and can usually be found in any WordPress site that requires a little more than a title and some content on pages and posts.
At the moment I’m working with my wife on developing a Art Studio website. As part of the development we needed to deliver
- A home page (standard wordpress page)
- A few standard content pages (standard wordpress pages)
- Some news (posts)
- Some Events (Custom Posts – Events)
- Listing of Artists (Custom Posts – Artist)
The artists pages needed to have some specific features including the
- Artist Name
- Studio number
- Introduction
- Feature background image
- Artist Category
- External artist URL
- External URL button text
To achieve this I decided to use the ACF plugin to allow me to customise the content elements required for the Artists but for some reasons when I applied this the Feature Image was no longer an option.
With so many possible images on the listing page I wanted to make sure that the images were using a responsive images solution as well so I also downloaded and include the RICG Responsive Images WordPress plugin solution.
There are a few things that you need to consider when trying to get responsive images with the ACF plugin:
- Set the image return value to ID (rather than Object or URL)
Selecting the ID rather than URL or the Object to enable responsive images - Include the following code where you want the image
$image = get_field('artist_feature_image');
$size = 'medium'; // (thumbnail, medium, large, full or custom size)
if( $image ) {
echo wp_get_attachment_image( $image, $size );
… and that’s about it. With that in place the plugin will take over and return the following code:
<img width="212" height="300" src=""
class="attachment-medium" alt="Joseph Sumner"
sizes="(max-width: 212px) 100vw, 212px"
srcset=" 212w, 724w, 1358w" />
Easy responsive images FTW!