RWD Weekly #327

Hello again and welcome to this week’s responsive design weekly newsletter. First off, a massive happy birthday to my little boy Noah today who is turning 5! It’s hard to believe that on this evening 5 years ago I was doing the exact same thing and writing this very newsletter (the following week was edition 76). Let’s get linking!

This week’s amazing sponsor

SmashingConf NYC, October 23 & 24

Enjoy two days packed with live sessions and talks, lunch sessions, and a great rooftop party at the 5th SmashingConf New York! We cover everything web with Sarah Drasner, Debbie Millman, Michael Flarup, Sara Soueidan and many others. Add a workshop to your conference and save 100 USD.

Breaking the Deadlock Between User Experience and Developer Experience

What to do when better UX actually makes it worse for your users?

Introducing Bing AMP viewer and Bing AMP cache

Bing is now providing it’s own AMP Cache on and is rolling out the news carousel and amp stories atop their mobile search results as well. This makes me nervous, and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m an old man on the web front lawn, or it’s a bad idea.

What’s best for users

Winston Hearn has a great piece that came from a discussion around some of the latest AMP (bashing) articles. As a member of the Vox Media team he is well aware of the need for a great performing site as well as gaining revenue on that site. It offers a great balanced overview of the situation.


Ethan, once again, eloquently covers off the latest situation with the AMP project moving to an open governance model. I agree that it is great to see that more people from outside of Google will have a seat at the table to help shape the future of the specification.

On using tracking scripts

Should you use tracking scripts? Have you gone a benefits/costs analysis? Michael has and it tells us what most of us already know but probably don’t want to admit.

Hinting at a better web at State of the Browser 2018

A great overview of the State of the Browser from Christian. We were proud to be one of their supporters this year, the work the London Web Standards team does is amazing.

Trusting the Process

Web projects are hard! One of the best ways to ensure that everyone is on the same page is through a SoW or Statement of Work. Karah unveils their approach to this project saving approach.

How Your Company Can Support Junior Engineers

Material 2018

A conference exploring the concept of the Web as a material. 20+ years of the Web and we are still at the very beginning of understanding and implementing digitization. For the first time we are facing a generation that never got to know the offline world. By nature they are riding the wave without ever having touched the ground. We might have unlearned our ancestors’ knowledge about materials and crafts, it’s easy to overlook the intrinsic characteristics of the Web in favour of the newest framework or boilerplate.
// sponsored


Shopify AR powered by 3D Warehouse

Shopify are getting in early with introducing the ability for you to create AR versions of your products for people to see through their mobile.

A framework for web performance

We’re looking at new areas we should be focusing on for 2019 and web performance is something that is high on that list. Jeremy has been doing workshops with Clearleft clients recently and come up with this framework for you to use. Thanks Jeremy!

Tools & Resources

Vapid: an intentionally simple CMS

Vapid is an intentionally simple content management system built on the idea that you can create a custom dashboard without ever leaving the HTML.

Trashy.css – The throwaway CSS library with no class

a CSS “library” that styles tags directly — as opposed to using class names as style hooks — to help people become more familiar with how to use semantic HTML.

Refresh CSS Bookmarklet v2

Sometimes when you’re on a page on your local site and you’ve pushed some changes to your CSS you want to see it without having to reload the whole page again. This little bookmarklet will refresh all the Stylesheets on the current page.

Mozilla Mixed Reality

Firefox Reality serves you the very best immersive games, videos, environments and experiences from around the web.

Yeti Hand Pagination

This reminds me of the Yeti from Foundation. Very cool pagination transition.

Color Leap – History’s Palettes

Take a leap through time and see the colors of history (and then copy them to your clipboard)


That’s it for this week, by the time you’re reading this I hope I’ll be eating cake — yes, most likely for breakfast :)



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