RWD Weekly #373

Hello again and welcome to week 373 of the RWD Weekly,.This week we’re kicking off with something that I’ve been thinking about for a long time… how can content providers monetize their work on the web? The three key ways that I have come across when it comes to the newsletter specifically are the following Patreon style (ongoing donations)Subscriptions (charging for access to the content, unlike patreon which would be an opt in)Sponsorship/Advertising (this is the method I go with) There’s a new specification now which you can read about below which is hoping to make this kind of stuff standardised. Headline Web Monetization There’s a new proposal out there in web standards land, this one for a Revenue Model for the web. After many people have tried to set up paywalls for their content let’s hope this is something that can help site owners earn money from their websites without requiring a subscription or advertising. Sponsorship Artifact Conference – Deep-dive into design and development ARTIFACT is an intimate, two-day, single-track conference to share big ideas and best practices for creating sites that work for everyone. Happening in Austin, Texas on Sept 30-Oct.1 — see Chris Coyier, Jen Simmons, Brad Frost, Sarah Drasner, Dave Rupert, and many more great speakers and topics → Article Largest Contentful Paint The Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) API, available in Chrome 77, reports the render time of the largest content element visible in the viewport. Learn more about it in this blogpost from google. Priorities Jeremy takes a look at the priorities around our decisions when it comes to picking a paritcular technology to acomplish a task. Are we choosing based on what is easiest for us, or what is easiet for the end user? In either case, which is the right decision?  The reasons and decisions are always going to change depending on the situation, but the important thing is that you should always consider them before deciding which path to take. Tutorial Handling Unused CSS In SASS To Improve Performance In this article, Luke will explore a SASS-oriented solution for dealing with unused CSS, avoiding the need for complicated Node.js dependencies involving headless browsers, and DOM emulation. JAMstack Templates Quickstart for N00bs (Live Examples) This experiment also serves to prove the point that the JAMstack is becoming more accessible and is now a fun playing field for beginners & experts alike. Variable Font Animation with CSS and Splitting JS This shows you how you can animate variable fonts using only CSS, but also how to make it a little easier by including Splitting.js on the page to dynamically handle any sized text (but you should just use it for headings). Making Cloud.typography Fast(er) Harry found the performance of the cloud.typography site wasn’t quite up to scratch so began digging around in the waterfall performance chart in dev tools. This post uncovers his findings and how, if you’re a cloud.typography user, you can make your own sites faster with a few changes. Tools & Resourcesextra.css This looks really cool, unless you’re using Firefox in which case non of the demos work :( Still, it’s not about working everywhere, it’s about progressively enhancing what you’ve got. Dashblock Turn any website into an API. Click on a page, get the API. It’s that simple. Online Color Picker From Image Want a color palette that matches your images? Find your perfect html color using our online color picker. Click on the image to get color in HEX, RGB and HSL format. That’s all for this week, see you again next Friday.Cheers,Justin.

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