RWD Weekly #456

Hello again, welcome back to RWD Weekly #456, happy Friday!

Big thanks to Dave for DMing me on Twitter to see if I was alright after the weekly newsletter didn’t go out on Friday. I had pushed the newsletter live before pausing it to make a last minute update, and then forgot to set the campaign to post again. D’Oh.

I’m slightly more organised this week, but then again I’m still writing and haven’t started sending yet… who knows what is going to happen.


Think Ahead Now. Thank Yourself Later.

Gymnasium just dropped four design systems courses with Ethan Marcotte tailored for designers, developers, and product managers.

Not sure where to start? Don’t sweat it — there’s a course for everyone.


Free design systems courses

Ether Marcotte is yet again at his teaching best, once again partnering with Gymnasium to produce a series of four design system courses.

How I Built my Blog using MDX, Next.js, and React

As someone who is working their way through creating a marketing site using Next.JS it was great to read through Josh’s process in rebuilding his blog. Josh is one of my all time favourite authors, always managing to make the article insightful and entertaining.


An In-Depth Guide To Measuring Core Web Vitals

With web vitals becoming a core indicator for your ranking in Google results, if you haven’t focused on performance before now is the time. This artice from Barry is a great overview, and there’s even a helpful codesnippet for you to use on your site to make sure you’re tracking these through Google Analytics as well.

Resources & Tools

API – WebPageTest

The WebPageTest API key lets developers automate performance testing within their workflow to continuously deliver faster web pages.

Data visualization guide for presentations, reports, and dashboards

This is a highly practical and example-based guide on visually representing data in reports and dashboards. It is based on the work of authors such as Barbara Minto, Edward Tufte, and Stephen Few.
Standalone web components    A curated list of awesome framework-agnostic standalone web components from Dave.

Can I use… CSS Container Queries

I’ve got to admit, there’s a heck-of-a-lotta red in this picture. If you look really closely you’ll see a small glint of green…. watch how fast it grows.


MDX is an authorable format that lets you seamlessly write JSX in your Markdown documents. You can import components, such as interactive charts or alerts, and embed them within your content. This makes writing long-form content with components a blast 🚀.

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