Bringing Responsiveness to Apps

The very first responsive theme that I bought was the IA responsive wordpress theme.  Now it appears they’re extending their responsiveness into the IA Writer App itself.

Inspired by our deep experience designing for the web, we’ve given Writer for Mac a responsive design, changing the font size based on window width. This maintains the text’s typographic proportions, zooming in and out without reflowing the text. I don’t know why it took us so long to find this obvious solution. However, given that no one else has done it, the simplicity of this solution is perhaps not as obvious as it seems in hindsight. With all the custom features built into Writer for Mac, like Focus Mode and Auto Markdown, technically it was not as easy as you’d expect. But we’ve taken the time to address these details, so that this new feature feels obvious and natural.

An excerpt from Bringing Responsiveness to Apps

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