Letting users disable responsive layout

If you’re looking to give your users an eject button from RWD then this is the post for you. 

I really like 456 Berea Street but totally disagree with the approach here. I think it’s a stop gap solution that is an attempt to hand hold where that really isn’t necessary. The only argument I could ever agree with is some customers not realising that the website is the same because of the layout difference, but I also think that comes down to inconsistent branding across viewports and user education </rant>.

It’s great that media queries allow us to adapt the layout of our sites to the users’ viewport size, a.k.a. Responsive Web Design. However, some argue that doing so comes with a (slight) risk of confusing some people that don’t expect viewport width to make the layout change as drastically as media queries allow.

An excerpt from Letting users disable responsive layout

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