Using decimal percentage values in responsive design

Divya takes a look at why we’re using so many decimals places when it comes to percentage based widths. why, Why, WHY?

At work I get many samples of code to be reviewed, most of them with a warning ‘only works in Chrome’. Nevertheless, I open these pages in Safari & mostly they work. Yesterday I came across something that didn’t. This post is a result of that investigation.

The page layout was broken in Safari and as I turned on the Inspector, I noticed the way the values were being specified:

margin: 0 0 0 6.3124621208203820812122%;
width: 48.121212121212121212121212% 

(The values are not the same as the ones I saw in the code, but the number of decimals used is similar)

An excerpt from Using decimal percentage values in responsive design

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