Improved support for high-resolution displays with the srcset image attribute

So is this a massive step towards our responsive image problems, or the start of a divide between browsers and their implementations. The Responsive Images group have recently been looking to chair a discussion between themselves and some of the browser vendors to get some decisions and movement around a particular solution, whether it be the srcset or the <picture> element.

Now it seems as though the first of the browser vendors have played their hand and it will be interesting to see how it plays out from here.

WebKit now supports the srcset attribute on image (img) elements (official specification from the W3C). This allows you, the developer, to specify higher-quality images for your users who have high-resolution displays, without penalizing the users who don’t. Importantly, it also provides a graceful fallback for browsers that don’t yet support the feature.

An excerpt from Improved support for high-resolution displays with the srcset image attribute

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