CSS Sprite Management with Gulp, Part 2

We’ve had a very similar conversation recently about the http2 thing. For now though I think it’s important to continue with these tried and tested ways of delivering performant websites… and on the horizon will be a new set of workflows.

In the same way that none of us wanted to let go of tables and do this new CSS approach to layout I wonder how many of us are going to cling on to the old ways of hacking our websites to be faster…. including setting up image sprites.

Those discussions won’t come to a head for a little while yet… at least until all browsers are supporting http2 and more hosting providers move their servers over as well. For now we are definitely in need of spriting, concatenation of files but there is a shimmer on the horizon… one of new workflows.

Previously on CSS Sprites with Gulp, we learned how to automatically generate a sprite sheet and accompanying CSS from a folder of images. That’s a great first step, but there’s a lot more we can do.

An excerpt from CSS Sprite Management with Gulp, Part 2

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