Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 46

In the excitement and anticipation of Santa coming to visit I missed the Safari Technology Preview #46 release, and along with it, one of the more exciting bits of news I’ve heard for a while. Service Workers are now supported in the Safari Technology Preview, which in turn means that it will be shipping to regular Safari, which should then ensure it ships to iOS mobile Safari. Offline Web Apps on the iPhone here we come!

Safari Technology Preview Release 46 is now available for download for macOS Sierra and macOS High Sierra. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update from the Mac App Store’s Updates tab. This release covers WebKit revisions 225266-225841.

Service Workers

Offline applications are important to the web. After HTML5 first tried to accommodate them with the Offline Application Cache, the Service Workers specification was created as a successor.

An excerpt from Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 46

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