Going offline first
This is a great video series from Ire that takes you through five steps on how to create an offline experience on your website. The videos range between 8 and 23 minutes so you could watch them all in your lunch break, or take a short moment out of each day of your week next week and become offline ready.

You may have noticed that I recently updated this blog to allow for users like yourself to save an article to view offline. You can do this by clicking the bookmark icon above.
If you are ever offline, you will still be able to view articles previously bookmarked. If you try to visit a page that isn’t bookmarked, you’ll be redirected to the offline page, which lists all the saved articles.
The Video Series
In order to show how I did this, I created a 5-part video tutorial. You can watch it below or on my YouTube channel.
An excerpt from Going offline first