
Sassaparilla (Sass-aprilla) is developed by the helpful guys over at fffunction, who also produce a number of other helpful web tools for front end developers.
Start your next web project faster with Sassaparilla, a fast way to start your responsive web design projects that harnesses the power of Sass and Compass.
If you’ve used Compass and Sass before, or if you’ve never tried them, getting started is really easy.
We’ve tried to make it as painless as possible, using as little set-up time as required.
This tool provides you with a default set of Mixins, @includes and $variables to get you started with your responsive project. They give you a set of typographical rules that use EM’s and will fall back to pixels when required and maintain a hierarchy and flow for your content.
If it’s your first time using a preprocessor then this will give you the understanding of the common approaches to laying out your CSS in an object orientated way.