RESS Multi-Device Design Resources

RESS (Responsive Web Design with Server Side Components) is an approach to Responsive Design that takes a step building sites a step past the original 3 simple ingredients of Fluid Grids, Fluid Images and Media Query’s.

Luke Wrobleski was one of the first to coin the phrase and speak about the approach, and wrote an overview article along with some great additional reading. Below is an excerpt from his article and the resources provided.

Last year I wrote about a promising approach to multi-device Web design that enhanced responsive web design techniques with server-side solutions. Since then the idea, which I dubbed RESS , has been gaining popularity and a number of developers have written about how they’re using it. Hopefully these
resources are useful to anyone interested in learning more about RESS.

an excerpt from Luke Wroblewskis RESS Overview

Lukes Recommended Reading

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