The top 25 responsive sites of 2012

 This year has definitely seen the sharp rise of Responsive Design.  Net Magazine has done a great job keeping us informed with all the changes and they have now given us a list of the Top 25 websites they believe showed off this exciting new(ish) technique.

In 2012 responsive web design really went mainstream. Two years after Ethan Marcotte’s seminal article on A List Apart, it wasn’t just a concept anymore. Big brands started to embrace it, and many are represented in our roundup. 

We’ve asked some of the leading lights in responsive web design – you can find the list at the end of the article – to choose their favourite responsive sites that launched over the last 12 months, and here’s what they’ve come up with. It’s an impressive mix, ranging from personal projects that are free to roam without a client breathing down their neck to innovative client work for the likes of Microsoft, Disney, Currys and Starbucks and some future-friendly in-house jobs by the BBC, The Next Web and Time.

An excerpt from The top 25 responsive sites of 2012

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