You like apples?

This article takes a look at the changes that were made to O’Neill clothing website.  They monitored the  online sales over a 3 week period, then made the site responsive and monitored it for another 3 weeks.

The results are outstanding!

It took no real science to convince us that Responsive websites would outperform their non-mobile-optimized brethren. We’d made that leap of faith (more of a small step, really) long ago. Without objective data, though, it’s hard to separate the facts from the closely held beliefs.

We should start by noting that optimizing sites for mobile screens takes time. In order for a site to look and perform well on a wide range of screens and devices, a fair amount of work needs to go in to designing the site to, well, respond to those conditions. That time adds cost.

An excerpt from You like apples?

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