Case study: Guardian Soulmates redesign

This approach included two fairly fundamental changes. First they were removing the mobile site and making the site responsive, and secondly they were undergoing a complete brand and design refresh.

One of the benefits of the Guardians particular approach was that they were redesigning elements on the page responsively allowing them to focus on the horizontal aspects. This meant there was less trouble trying to layout an entire page from a mobile first tube of content to a giant viewport. That aside the approach of refactoring a subscription based

First we created a responsive framework, which allowed us to switch over pages to a responsive version one by one. Some of the desktop pages were rearranged in layout for the responsive version so that they fit the information hierarchy required for a mobile view better. We then rolled out each responsive page across all device sizes to a small segment of the users and monitored the relevant metrics.

An excerpt from Case study: Guardian Soulmates redesign

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