Web Notifications, Part 1: Interactive

Notifications are one of those things that the native folk keep waving (literally) in our face. Well as web notifications become more main stream we can shove those native notifications up….. There are some caveats as Madeline Welsh from the Guardian mobile lab points out in this article

Interactive notifications, through which we give users the opportunity to self-direct as they move through a narrative using action buttons embedded below a small amount of text, were the first type we worked with, starting with the first jobs report experiment.

In this format, currently only available on Chrome, the user’s response to a prompt within the initial
notification informs the interaction they will continue to have with the notifications to come. By using the action buttons below the body text as a navigational tool, the user moves through a thread. We’ve run several iterations of an interactive notification through the jobs report experiment
each month.

An excerpt from Web Notifications, Part 1: Interactive

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