Responsive Grid System

Responsive Grid System
Responsive Grid System

Responsive Grid System is a super basic grid system that focusses on providing you with a layout and nothing more.

The features include

  • mobile first
  • 12, 16 & 24 column
  • clearfix
  • optional gutters
  • 1kb compressed
  • box-sizing polyfill
  • respond.js polyfill

The CSS itself uses the Eric Meyer CSS Reset rather than the Normalize.css approach. It also gives you a fallback method for handling box-sizing rules for earlier versions of IE however you will have to make sure that you include the .htc file.

  • Resource Name

    Responsive Grid System

  • Resource Creator

    Denis Leblanc


Fluid grid CSS framework for fast, intuitive development of responsive websites. Available in 12, 16 and 24 columns with media queries for all standard devices, clearfix, and optional reset.

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