
Codekit is a preprocessing master for the Mac. It really does what it says on the tin “Code kit helps you build websites faster and better”.

It has many advance features, but even if you didn’t want to use preprocessing it also gives you a live browser reload on save, optimises your images and compresses all your javascript and CSS.

If you want to look at more of the features it will also

  • Combine and minify JS with Ugliify.js
  • Debug scripts with JSHint & JSLint
  • Preprocesses Less, Sass, Sylus, Jade, Haml, Slim, CoffeeScript and Compass everytime you save with warnings if you’ve made a mistake in the code.

Check out the Free Trial and we’re pretty sure you’ll see that $25 is cheap when it comes to the time this will save you.  I think it’s even worth buying a Mac just so that you can run it.

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Codekit is a preprocessing master for the Mac. It really does what it says on the tin. Code kit helps you build websites faster and better.

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