Local Tunnel

Local Tunnel
Local Tunnel

A lot of responsive design work, and web work in general, is done on the local host to simplify the development process. This can come unstuck when you come to sharing the work with clients that you’re not able to be side by side with.

The easiest way toshare localhostweb servers to the rest of the world.

Install localtunnel using RubyGems. Check the full README if you don’t have Ruby or RubyGems.$ sudo gem install localtunnel

Run your local web server on any port! Let’s say you’re running Apache on port 8080.

Now run localtunnel passing it the port to share. The first time you run localtunnel you have to point to a public SSH key. 

Check the README if you need help.

  • Resource Name

    Local Tunnel

  • Resource Creator

    Jeff Lindsay


The easiest way to share localhost web servers to the rest of the world

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