Responsive Design T-Shirt

Brand yourself as a responsive design advocate with this Cotton Bureau Responsive Design Tshirt. If the design looks familiar it’s because it’s ours!

I’ve been keen to get a branded shirt made up for a long time now and I’m happy to annouce it’s ready and available for a pre-order. Don’t wait too long though, it’s available for a limited time and will only go to print if we can pre-order 25 shirts (currently only 14 to go).

Apart from looking like a cool responsive cat you’re supporting the site (we get a small kick back for each shirt) and promoting a better way of building websites. Woohoo!

Here’s a few reasons why you should totally get one:

  1. Cotton Bureau is a sweet responsive ecommerce shop with a lovely user journey
  2. You’ll wear the shirt as a badge on your dedication to mobile first responsive design
  3. You help us out by getting a small kick back for each shirt that we can put towards hosting, Mailchimp costs and providing some token thanks to our interviewees.
  4. You’ll look even better than you do right now (who would have thought that was even possible right!)

You just can’t wait to order right, well here you go

Pre Order Now

Cotton Bureau Responsive Tshirt
Get your very own responsive design Tshirt

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