Arribem a Barcelona! Cloudflare’s 101st data center

Cloudflare are my favourite CDN and power a lot of the sites I run, including They’ve just added their 101st data center and I couldn’t imagine a more beautiful place to host it than the Gaudi styled building in Barcelona.

When you use Cloudlare they place your website on 101 of those data centers around the world meaning that your website is closer to your user, which means latency isn’t as much of an issue.

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 image by Luc Mercelis

Only a few weeks ago, we announced data center locations in 14 new cities across 5 continents. Today: Barcelona. We’re not done yet! Like Barcelona’s La Sagrada Familia basilica, our network is constantly being worked on. As we approach the end of 2016, we have lots more exciting announcements up our sleeve. Keep your eyes on this page as our network continues to expand.

An excerpt from Arribem a Barcelona! Cloudflare’s 101st data center

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