Responsive Design News

Keep up with the latest news and developments around responsive design and the new direcitons that web designa and development are taking.

How @supports Works

@supports is great for creating progressively enhanced features within CSS. A few years ago I was annoyed with @supports because a lot of the CSS features I wanted to test for weren’t supported in browsers that also didn’t support @supports, nightmare! Fortunately there’s only two potential browsers you’re supporting (I hope) that don’t have @supports […]

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Firefox 65 release

What a cracker jack box of amazing that is Firefox 65. This could be a newsletter edition on its own, but for now I’ll list my highlights. CSS Flexbox inspector to allow you to see where/why items are sitting on a page, their flex state and the space available, a great edition to the existing […]

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Creating distraction-free reading experiences

I came across this article this week and it reminded me just how important it is to make the content on our sites easy for our users to read. Seems like a simple and obvious thing, but we often lose track of just how important this is. To my surprise, this article was from 2014 […]

Read more 8.0 and Browsertime 4.0

My favourite FREE performance monitoring tool has had a major release and upgrade. If you haven’t tried out yet now is the perfect time.

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Building Journal Book

JournalBook is a progressive web app that allows you to keep a journal on your own device. Your notes are only stored on your device, they’re never even sent to a server. You don’t even need to sign-in to use it! It works offline, so you can reflect upon your day on the slow train […]

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Solving a Tricky Layout Problem with CSS Grid

Michelle takes us through a layout she was trying to achieve and the different approaches used to reach the right outcome. I love real life ‘how I approached a problem’ articles.

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Updating Augmented content on touch/interaction with AR.js

Setting the scene The situation: I have 9 markers for an augmented experience showing our Sun and planets to scale. This allows you to put two markers side by side to see the size differences. The Problem: the key for this is the scale, but because of the sheer scale changes between the first 4 […]

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DRY Switching with CSS Variables: The Difference of One Declaration

Ana Tudor is an epic amazing designer and developer, and her ability to stretch CSS for some visual sugar is unsurpassed.

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2018: A round-up of all Codrops resources

Codrops doesn’t just have a great weekly list of great things on the web, but they also provide some cool tutorials with experimental features to help (at least it helps me) understand the new capabilities of web design. Here’s there 2018 round up.

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A truly great (epic) article on the current state of responsive design in 2018/19 and the design/developer relationship. It delves into how we should think about designs and the different process and outputs that might be required. A great way to start off 2019.

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Dynamic Social Sharing Images

It’s been on my list of side projects to enable automatic screenshots for the Am I Responsive tool, I think this is something which I could adapt. Very cool tutorial from Drew.

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Going offline first

This is a great video series from Ire that takes you through five steps on how to create an offline experience on your website. The videos range between 8 and 23 minutes so you could watch them all in your lunch break, or take a short moment out of each day of your week next […]

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Going Fullscreen On iPad Safari 🤩

There’s two amazing things about coming across this article. First, it’s great to see that iPad (iOS Safari) are now supporting full screen mode and; secondly, how cool is the Bubblin superbooks. There’s a tonne of free content with some great titles and all available in the browser. I worked on a little side project […]

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When to use CSS vs. JavaScript

This is a great counter balance for all those tutorials out there that tell you that you can build feature/interaction XYZ by using CSS instead of JavaScript.  I’m all for using less JavaScript and I certainly think that in the past 18 months the role of JavaScript has taken things a little too far by […]

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Inlining or Caching? Both Please!

It feels like every 6-12 months filament group redefine how to make pages as performant as possible with minimal fuss, and this article is no different. One of the biggest issues with in-lining Critical CSS was having to have it duplicated in the CSS you request as with service workers and the very smart […]

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Real URLs for AMP Cached Content Using Cloudflare Workers

One of the complaints aimed towards the implementation of AMP is that you had your content served from Google on their own URLs. Cloudflare have developed a way in which you will still gain benefit from being on the Google AMP caching servers, but you’ll retain your own domain when the content is served. I’m […]

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Simplify Styling with Functional CSS

This article takes you through the logic behind creating a class for every CSS property to allow you to really customise each of your elements on the page. Essentially it’s atomic CSS, and while I’m not a fan I think it’s good to be aware of all approaches to building sites.

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5 suggestions for higher scores in WebPageTest, Lighthouse, and Observatory

Å ime Vidas runs web platform news and has recently been redeveloping the site. The update is lightning quick with great content, and in this article he describes the top 5 suggestions he has after building the site for performance.

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How to Build a Low-tech Website?

I love the idea of a low powered web page and a solar powered server. Looking at this example it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary that this is the kind of resource that we’ll need when colonising Mars. The web would be a valuable resource, but I envisage it being more like the earlier […]

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Improving Client-Side Performance

A cracking list of suggestions from TJ Fogarty about how to get the most out of your site when it comes to performance when launching or reviewing a website. I’m currently looking at expanding upon the Am I Responsive tool to also incorporate performance metrics about the site that people are reviewing. While the tools […]

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