Responsive Design News

Keep up with the latest news and developments around responsive design and the new direcitons that web designa and development are taking.

RWDTXST: A New Toolbox: Secrets from Happy Cog

In their A New Toolbox: Secrets from Happy Cog presentation at Texas State University, presenters Kevin Sharon, Design Director at Happy Cog, andSophie Shepherd, Designer at Happy Cog, reveal Happy Cog’s design process through their experience building a responsive site from beginning to end, including: kicking off the project, the collaborative design process, and the tools they tweaked […]

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Specializing yourself into a corner

Scott takes a look at his workflow and wonders whether his SASS/Compass only plugins are a bad thing for the community. I'm on the other side, I think you should build amazing things with the tools that best allow you to achieve your goals, then open that up for people to improve/copy in other areas

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Debugging Sass with Source Maps

There’s a great tutorial below about connecting CSS to scss in Chrome Web Development tools, but this is the future.  Sass Source Maps are the natural next step in tying CSS to the written Sass, but rather then using the comments within the CSS generated by Ruby it uses a JSON formated map that explains […]

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There's more to the CSS rem unit than font sizing

You can use rem to scale some elements in a document while leaving others in place. An interesting guest post on CSS Tricks takes a look at this and other options

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The Good & Bad of Level 4 Media Queries

Stu Cox takes a look at the next stage for Media Queries and concentrates on the 4 new media features of script, luminosity, pointer and hover. What’s great about this article is the author of the spec, Florian Rivoal, replies to the article with an explanation as to why things were written this way.

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We're not 'appy. Not 'appy at all.

The UK Government explain why one of their strategies state “Stand-alone mobile apps will only be considered once the core web service works well on mobile devices, and if specifically agreed with the Cabinet Office.” RWD FTW!

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Responsible Considerations For Responsive Web Design

Jordan Moore fires out another fine article and lists a few best practices when approaching responsive design. In the comments I think he comes under a little fire but responds with a conversational explanation that answers any of the commentors concerns.

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Under the Microscope

Jordan Moore takes a look at responsive design under a microscope.

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Improving UX Through Front-End Performance

This is a great post that looks at one of the biggest issues facing Responsive Design…. Performance.

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Off-canvas horizontal lists

In the spirit of sharing more examples about how we’re solving problems in our day to day implementations Jeremy Keith is showing us how to create a fully supported scrolling list.

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Carousel Conversion Rate Eye Tracking

This post takes a look at an A/B test between a carousel feature area and a non-carousel feature area. The carousel version only got a 1.96% interaction rate, while the non-carousel version got a 43.03% interaction rate. What argument for a carousel!

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Better Navigation Through Proprioception

Cennydd Bowles takes a look at current navigation patterns including Horizontal for Hierarchy, Perpendicular for Modals, Flip for Configuration and the Card Swap method. An excellent overview with video examples.

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Prioritizing Performance in Responsive Design

Brad Frost takes a look at performance and reviews some options you have. These shouldn’t be considered retrofit options at the end of the project, you need to bake these into your process from the beginning.

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I Have No Idea What I'm Doing with Responsive Web Design

The sentiments that most of us feel as we took on our first Responsive Design project, and still how we feel three or four or more projects in. Remember that everyone is still learning about the best way forward. Try different approaches, write about your experiences and share your wins and losses.

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Responsive Web Design is not a war

Andy Appleton doesn’t agree with Elliot Jay Stocks view on responsive design and doesn’t believe there is a war at all.

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Real World RWD Performance – Take 2

This article takes a look at the 400+ RWD sites featured in and see how well the performance was across the different viewports.

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#Protip for Startups

Dave Rupert has a great tip for startups…. don’t let your website suck on mobile devices.

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Scott Jehl is a super smart guy who works with super smart people at the Filament Group. These are the guys that worked on the Boston Globe project and have given tonnes of awesome resources back to the community. A great podcast listen (and you can see him on stage in this video)

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When Responsive Web Design Is Bad For SEO

 An argument that responsive design may not be the best solution for SEO and mobile is a better option. The TLDR is that it depends.

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Jason Cranford Teague Prototyping a Responsive Design

Jason Cranford goes into detail about his journey from the humble wireframe to changing his workflow to use HTML & CSS to wireframe directly within the browser. This contains both the podcast and transcript.

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