Responsive Design News

Keep up with the latest news and developments around responsive design and the new direcitons that web designa and development are taking.

Responding to Language

Jordan Moore takes a look at using the lang attribute within the HTML tag as the trigger to update the line lengths, a really great follow up to Logical Breakpoints.

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Logical Breakpoints For Your Responsive Design

A great look at the readability of responsive design and an examination into how you might go about determining when a particular viewport is “broken”. Word lengths are different for different languages so a wider column may be required to maintain a good measure.

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Responsive web design: the war has not yet been won

A great blog post from Elliot Jay Stocks based around his talk at the 2013 Responsive Day out in Brighton.

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Responsive From the Top Down: "Mobile First" May be Wrong

Forget mobile, lets go Desktop First. In this interview with Amber Weinberg talks about her upcoming conference session at Future Insights in London.

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RWD: just getting started

Redesigning A Responsive Youtube With HTML5/CSS3 [Tutorial]

Bring Back the Sitemap?

David isn’t suggesting removing the menu altogether, but is instead investigating how a curated sitemap could add another logical option for navigating a complex website.

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Project insights

Neil does a great job looking at implementing a responsive site heavily laden with images and using SVG as a means of keeping the page weight down. Using a combination of Mixture, Grunticon, and SASS he delivers a pretty awesome front end project.

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Future Insights Redesign

Non responsive

It’s true. If you see a new site released you, as a web developer, grab the side of the browser and start dragging. If it doesn’t respond you scoff and move on. In this case James Young goes through the reasons (like Go Cardless have done) why responsive wasn’t the answer in this case and […]

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No More Mobile

What do we mean when we say mobile? Jim Ramsden takes a look at the many meanings of mobile.

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I think I’m going to call this week flexbox week. Zoe runs us through the changing syntax and explains just what each of the properties do.

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An Event Apart: The Mobile Content Mandate

Using Flexbox: Mixing Old and New for the Best Browser Support

A great overview from Chris from CSS Tricks about flex-box and how to get the best browser support by using a little of the old and new together.

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Master mobile navigation

An overview of the different mobile navigation patterns and how you might approach them from Aaron Gustafson.

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Google Analytics and Responsive Web Design – Introducing Responsive Tracking

Do you have click through actions on your responsive site? Do they move about at different viewports? This tutorial shows how you can track these buttons with the use of enquire.js.

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Group Advice: Working on an Anti-RWD Team

An issue that is likely to have plagued you at some stage in your career where your workplace simply will not remove the blinkers and take a look at every approach to a project. Chris’s response is great but read on into the comments for more great tips on how to approach this issue.

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300 million users and move to WebKit

Probably one of the biggest news items this week was Opera’s decision to drop Presto and use WebKit as their new rendering engine. This doesn’t mean you can stop testing in Opera/Opera Mobile though… and in fact it might be a sign that we haven’t been doing enough of this in the past.

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Designing In The Transition To A Multi-Device World

An opinion piece by Francisco that takes a look at the transition to designing in the browser, a must read this week

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Don't just choose a grid. Design it!

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