Responsive Tables

Tables are quick to break your responsive layouts, especially on smaller screens. This simple JS/CSS combo from Zurb Foundation will let your tables adapt to small device screens without everything going to hell.

Why they built this

There were three main areas that Zurb were trying to solve with this technique for tables.  They were to ensure that it:

  • Doesn’t break responsive layouts
  • Doesn’t unnecessarily hide data
  • Still lets you compare rows

With that in mind they have created some JS & CSS that works by taking the first column and “pinning” it to the left of the table, allowing you to scroll the other columns under it. You don’t lose the likely key for each row, but you also don’t have to break your nice responsive layout.

How to Make Your Tables Responsive

We wanted this to be incredibly easy to implement. Start by downloading the code pack — this includes a demo file as well as the two key files you need for this: responsive-tables.js and responsive-tables.css.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="responsive-tables.css"> <script src="stylesheet" href="responsive-tables.js"</script>

Attach to Your Markup

On any data table in your markup, you simply need to attach a class of .responsive and the CSS/JS will do the rest. Like so:

<table class="responsive"> <tr> …

See the Pen Responsive Table Example by Justin Avery (@justincavery) on CodePen.

  • Resource Name

    Responsive Tables

  • Resource Creator

    Zurb Foundation


This simple JS/CSS combo will let your tables adapt to small device screens without everything going to hell.

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