Responsive Design News

Keep up with the latest news and developments around responsive design and the new direcitons that web designa and development are taking.

Chrome to force .dev domains to HTTPS via preloaded HSTS

If you, like me, are using *.dev as your local TLD then you’re going to be affected by an Chrome update in the next release. The next release will force the browser to switch to https automatically on the .dev domains. Annoying, yes, but let’s face it…. if you’re doing local dev and pushing to […]

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Breaking Down a CSS Grid Layout

A really specific review of the repeat(auto-fit, 200px) for grid-template-columns that allows you to build responsive flexible grid columns without having to worry about declaring any media queries

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APIs First

By thinking in an API first way you can make your design process a lot easier down the line.

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Remove Unused CSS Rules

If you’re anything like me you’ve probably added a lot of CSS to your site over the years without ‘pruning’ back the bits that no longer exist. While this isn’t the end of the world, it means that your CSS file continues to grow and send un-needed styles down the pipes. This explains how you […]

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I made a style guide for my personal web site and you should too

Zach has put together a small style guide for his personal site to keep a watch on future updates to the CSS.

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The average web page is 3MB. How much should we care?

A great blog post from Tammy that looks at the increasing size of the average web page.

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Changes to the Grid Spec and taking on Multi-Column layout

The properties for defining the grid gap is going to be changed and will be dropping the prefix ‘grid-‘ and just have column-gap, row-gap and gap.

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The Critical Request

A great article that covers not just the approach to prioritising the right assets, but also how you can dig into the Dev Tools to find out what to prioritise.

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I love this animated gif showing the progressive enhancement options we have when it comes to using VR. While it’s great to put Google Day Dream on with a phone the same content can be consumed on the desktop or tablet as well as the phone without a headset.

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You’re Offline

Max steps it up a gear and shows us how we can notify the user that they’re offline.

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Why display: contents is not CSS Grid Layout subgrid

Rachel explains what display:contents does and the times when you might want to use it.

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Measuring web performance; it’s really quite simple

Should you measure load time? Responsiveness to user inputs? Page-to-page navigation? This post explains what to focus on for performance.

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Web Publications for the Open Web Platform

A W3C note about how we could start to package up books on the web.

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Aspect Ratios in CSS are a Hack

Bram looks at a number of different approaches to create aspect ratios in CSS before closing with the hint that we could see something like height: aspect-ratio(16/9)

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Designed lines

While there is a clear benefit from a commercial point of view to improve the speed of your website we often forget about the human impact.

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Does__BEM — work?

I’ve never been a fan of BEM, but this certainly got me thinking in another way.

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TransferWise Rate Tracker progressive web app

As some of you might know I’m an Australian living in the UK and over the years I’ve moved between the two countries a few times. With this comes the need to exchange (and lose) money where I’ve used TransferWise… so I was excited to see that they have developed a PWA that will alert […]

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Powerful New Additions to the CSS Grid Inspector in Firefox Nightly

Firefox improves on their CSS Grid Layout dev tools.

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Using CSS variables correctly

Learn how to use CSS Variables in production today.

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Please Make Google AMP Optional

I’ve featured articles from Alex previously around the AMP argument, and this time around he’s making even more sense. It would be great to have the option to switch AMP off… after all Google are trying to improve the User Experience with this approach, so if the improved user experience is not using AMP then […]

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