How To Run a Proxy Server Inside Your Browser

There’s a great overview of how to use Service Workers to make local development much easier (especially if you’re trying to hit an API that you want to run locally). This is a medium link, so if you’ve run out of free articles you can use this tweet to see it, or if you […]

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How I created 488 “live images”

Oh my. For years people have been asking at least once a week to enable a screenshot capability on Am I Responsive but it’s been beyond my level of coding capabilities (at least the way that I want it to work anyway). This tutorial from Ire is the gap in my knowledge that I’ve been […]

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The ugly truth about optimising beautiful images

Sometimes when you’re making optimisations to images on a site you won’t see that much of a change to the overall load time or the first significant paint. Often this is a result of some other implementation factor, and if you dig one more layer down you’ll find a way to get the really big […]

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Simplified Fluid Typography

I loved it when we could declare different font sizes between breakpoints to have the best typography for the given width, but when the typography locks were introduced things go a whole lot better.

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HEAD – A free guide to elements

Although all the important stuff comes from the <body> tags (the important stuff being the actual content) the things you place inside the <head> are vital for the content actually being seen. This is a great guide to what is vital and important and what each of the elements do. Who’s doing the <body> version?

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Responsive Type and Zoom

Beware when setting your typography in responsive sites as there are chances that the way you implement it will remove the ability to users to properly zoom in on text when they want to.

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Calculating Color: Dynamic Color Theming with Pure CSS

Did you know that you can build custom dynamic color themes without the use of JavaScript or a CSS preprocessor!? Read on!

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An Introduction to Variable Fonts

24 Ways is my favourite advent calendar and this year is not disappointing. There are back to back tutorials on Variable Fonts and I highly recommend you starting with the overview from Jason Pamental before following up with Mandy’s.

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Getting Started with Web Performance

Are you looking for an introductory article that you can use to explain to someone why it’s important to their business? Or maybe you’re on the performance band wagon but you’re not exactly sure why. This article from Karolina and Calibre have you covered.

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How to fight back against Google AMP as a web user and a web developer

Some folks love AMP, others despise it. I love the idea of faster websites but disagree with Google’s approach in AMP. If you want to reduce the dominance that Google have over the web there are things that you can do as Marko Saric points out in this article

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Drawing Homer Simpson using circles in CSS

As I mentioned in the intro, I’m off to our xmas party tonight in my Simpsons holiday shirt so I was delighted to see that I could draw homer in CSS just using circles. Would it be easier to use an SVG? Probably, but not as much fun.

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The Power (and Fun) of Scope with CSS Custom Properties

Custom properties makes CSS a programming language. There, I said it, no need to reply :). I’m still not in the practice of using CSS variables and I feel that I’m steadily being left behind, and also that I’m missing out on taking some serious shortcuts in my code.

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Get More For Less With Variable Fonts

I feel that most of us (certainly me) are still coming to grips with the application of variable fonts when we build sites. To me this means it’s up to us to become more familiar with how they work and the design potentials that they open up, and then showcase that to designers so that […]

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Moving towards a faster web

The Google Chrome team are making UX changes to the browser to help users identify is a site is known to be slow loading. This is a great step in the right direction provided that they get the measurements right (which I’m sure they will). It’s great to see the Chrome team focusing specifically on […]

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8 Unbelievable Things You Never Knew About Tracking

Really eye opening slides from Laura Kalbag’s recent talk at Full Frontal web conference in Brighton last Friday. If you think you know how much data is collected about you, I’m almost 100% sure you’ll find something else you didn’t know in this (I know I did)

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Chrome Developer Summit 2019: performance announcements you have to know

Calibre (a performance monitoring tool) go through all the announcements related to performance that happened during the Chrome Development Summit. They cover off some of the items we have in our resources section this week and much more.

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Getting your sites ready for the new Microsoft Edge

Windows had a release candidate out to go with their fancy new logo (does anyone else get reminded of the Firefox logo?) A new Edge means they’re finally rolling out the changes which essentially make Edge the same as Chrome. I wish they would have stuck with their own rendering engine and helped provide some […]

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Become a Front-End Master in 2020 With These 10 Project Ideas

There are some really great suggestions here from Chris. The “find a dribbble shot and recreate it in a clean semantic accessible way” is one of my tasks for next year.

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The web is not dying

The web has been on and off its deathbed for the past 25 years and each year someone/thing gets traction around the end of times and the commeth of native. There are some serious issues, don’t get me wrong, but with people like Chris Ferdinandi and you at the helm to steer us in the […]

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The Web Share API in Safari on iOS

If you’re implementing the web share API on your site BEWARE. The API takes three arguments, Name, Text, URL, but when sharing on iOS it will only pass two arguments and omit the third one, the URL (go figure, the most vital piece). Jeremy has a modified script that he uses to only pass across […]

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